Your home comfort is important and so is how you choose to pay for these energy efficient upgrades. Monthly payment plans help you enjoy your new equipment now without the burden of handing over thousands of dollars at once. In some cases, the energy savings may offset a large portion of the payment!
Open Loan Financing for all your home comfort needs!
Financing is a great alternative to high interest credit cards. We offer the flexibility of 5 or 12-year term options that you may choose to prepay at any time without penalty. Conveniently calculated and presented to you through the paperless VistApp, with low interest rates.
SHORT TERM Payment Options – The Vista Equal Payment Plan
The Equal Payment Plan is a shorter-term alternative to rental that offers the flexibility of 24- or 36-month term options. No down payment required. You may prepay your account at any time without penalty.
All Payment plans can be collected on the Enbridge Gas Bill* (where available) or P.A.P.
Add a Rental Water Heater!
Competitive Rental Rates on a range of water heater models to suit every budget and efficiency requirement. Your customer rights allow you to choose your rental provider. Work with the same contractor you trust with all your heating and cooling needs!

Founded in 2002, Vista is proudly Canadian. We have become an invaluable partner to an increasing network of independent dealers across Canada.
6 Gurdwara Road Suite 205 Ottawa ON K2E 8A
Telephone: 1-877-318-4782 or 1-877-31-VISTA